9 °c Wind speed: 15.5 km/h Precipitation: 54.5 % Cloudiness: 96 % Humidity: 86.5 mm Pressure: 54.5 mb
Celtic yard under Lovacka
Vulytsya Pidlovachna 14
Zakarpats'ka oblast
Celtic yard under Lovacka
The "Celtic Yard" estate in Mukachevo, located at the foot of the mountain Lovachka, holds significant historical interest as it was the site of an ancient Celtic settlement. The Celts were believed to be the first to utilize viticulture on the southern slope of the mountain, and evidence of their wine-making tradition remains in the form of stone terraces from that era.
The estate features a carved-in-rock basement with a depth of 45 meters, adding to its historical appeal. The tasting room at the "Celtic Yard" is distinctive compared to other Ukrainian establishments of its kind, as it preserves the traditions of the ancient Celts. Visitors to the estate can enjoy trying traditional ales, including two other unique recipes, as well as apple cider made from apples grown on the estate.
Beyond the traditional wine varieties, visitors have the opportunity to taste some unusual varieties not commonly found in Ukrainian culture. Recently, the "Celtic Yard" began producing several types of vermouth using local wines and herbs. Additionally, visitors can sample various tinctures with diverse recipes, ranging from traditional Transcarpathian options to unexpected flavors like hurmovki, kizilovki, and chereshnevki.
A visit to the "Celtic Yard" estate promises a fascinating culinary adventure. Apart from the culinary delights, the estate also boasts a unique phenomenon in Ukraine - a tea plantation, and a small citrus orchard that has been preserved on the estate, providing visitors with an opportunity to witness these uncommon features in the region.